Friday, August 7, 2009

This town breeds low life shit starting scum like the shower walls in a crack house. I sit here thinking back on all the bitches the tricks the douche bags the fucking ass holes that thrive on making others lives filled with complication and ultimately driving it into the ground. What significance could my life past and present possibly have to you? Why tell such lies? If and when i find out who you, you promiscuous lieing little bitch you will regret even knowing my name. I highly doubt you even know who i am to know such bullshit about my past and my own personal feelings of the heart. I have completely let my guard down. I found the person I've been looking for my entire life. Each step i take in this makes it easier to fall on my face. I have the up most trust the up most faith. Ive been through it all the fails the falls, this is different than anything I've ever known anything I've ever felt. To step into my life wanting to destroy this bitch you must not know me not enough to know i will rock your shit to hell and back. Guys have come a dime a dozen in my days but not this. I'm a truly passionate person when it comes to my heart. He can have my heart he can have my ultimate true love because i wont need it if this isn't it for me. If it was possible to rip out pages of my history i still wouldn't even put a tear in one. I have kept one foot in front of the other making thought out decisions with each step. I've loved and I've let go with my whole heart. I don't regret a step I've taken or a decision Ive made. It may have taken time but i walked out i moved on. I've burned the bridges to my past. I have the most amazing precious boyfriend on this earth simply because hes loves me enough to stick around through the good and through the bad. I'm beginning to find a balance with my friends my boyfriend and my family. Its not okay to banish someone from their family not when their half my heart. So I'm done abiding by the boundaries my dis functional family have set for me. Let the love in and the hatred out. Simply Love each other. My friends and i support each other through each others heart ache. We laugh and learn together, but my boyfriend the one that's become my best friend the one i hope becomes my family hes gonna be around for awhile if its up to me. but it wont ever be up to some bitch. The lies have caused stress at its highest level in my relationship but we overcame it. So instead of being envious of my relationship make an example of it for the next time you decide to intervene in one. Not everyone has a simple breaking bond that can be shattered any moment by the simplest of rumors. You thought you knew bitch but you had no idea. The one I'm in love with is the one you lied to.

So Baby don't worry you are my only even if the sky is falling down.

For the record this is my everything.

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