Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Schools starting back in a little more than a week. Cant say I'm too thrilled. I find myself in the deepest depression one could imagine. I hate my Job i hate school and i hate struggle. I've struggled all my life to be happy. To stand up from the holes I've stumbled in and strut my shit like every ones watching. I've always had a sink or swim attitude. I'm not certain if I'm a pessimist or an optimist. a lover or a fighter. Independent or dependent. Happy or miserable. I'm not certain of many things at all. Love however is something i have always been very certain of. Certain enough to be miserable certain enough to be dependent certain enough to be optimistic. I'm angry at who or what I'm not "certain of" but anger is there. I have the biggest of urges to just knock the shit out of anyone or anything that comes my way. I feel as if a part of me had not left but evaporated over time. I never meant for things to come to this. I don't even know what were fighting for. I feel like I'm at war. How could two feet at one become so divided now? Anyone will say if i Kayla ever loved you i still to this day do and will do anything for you. I don't have a switch to turn my love on and off. I see people who claimed such love split up and hate one anothers guts. If love is that's easy to let go it wasn't love at all. maybe lust..but that's not love. Love is a whole different thing. I'm not certain how chemistry was reversed. I'm in such need of finding myself. That girl that turned every head she stepped by. The girl laughing. The girl that held such confidence. such independence such beauty...but i have to work on that girl too because she was a pessimist she was a fighter she was empty. I'm not certain if i will recover from this. It took me long years before. Years that i just knew would kill me. One thing i can say about myself though...I'm a strong bitch. Sometimes the strongest people in the morning are the ones that cry themselves to sleep at night. I will use my strength and my unfailing faith in God to make it through this. To my friends i may not be responsive to your attempts to help me this time around. While you pulled me through this last time i need to find it in myself to pull through something. I have to start doing things for Kayla. I've grown up to fast. There is nothing i can do to alter that now. I was existing instead of living before then i found someone that put such life in me. I feel that vitality being sucked out of me. I have to live independently. I have to make me happy instead of depending on someone else to do so. That's where the problem lies. I depend on me for everything except my happiness. This was the most amazing love story of my life. It played out amazingly. innocently. I don't know where i am with it. Where I'm going with it. Or if its even come to a close. I write such pretty words but life's no story book. For the record i am only certain of love.

I never leave the lights on much
now i got a feeling maybe its time
for sleep Ive got this cellular phone
whispering I'm alone so Pull down the
moon bring me back to any night with
you turn all the lights of in the room its
my last chance with you.

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