Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Well my last post was solely based off of emotions and no logic at all. I was just as mistaken as i was the first time. I Held back like i promised myself i would, but when someones leading you to believe they feel a certain way then they completely switch it on you last minute you find yourself a bit blind sighted. Your told you deserve such great things "you deserve the world" No one person can have the world nor does any one person deserve it. My wants have always been simple never quite as great as the world. I want someone for once in my life to be real. Say nothing more than what they mean. Don't tell me you love me unless you do. Don't tell me what i deserve because i deserve more than you most likely know. Don't tell me you cant meet my needs when you have no idea what needs i have to be met. Don't feed me complete bullshit for weeks maybe months. Don't Play it off like your some optimistic and i the pessimist when its really the opposite. Don't make it out like your too busy when I'm the busy one. In reality I'm the best fucking thing that stepped into your life and you had it all for a pretty little while. Its whatever now and I'm bouncing back. I've got the most incredible mother in the universe. The most amazing best friend in this world and the perfect car ever [That will me located in my driveway tomorrow!] I don't need to do anything but focus on my studies. It may be difficult but its better than being exhausted crying myself to sleep over someone who contradicted every word he said. I've been broken before it'll be alright. It always is with me. Its a whatever situation. I ordinarily don't give anything up not matter the pain no matter the circumstances. But i go off whats worth my time my while. I wasted enough time on someone undeserving of the energy it takes to bend my pinkie to allow myself to do it again. They speak it as if its about what i deserve what i need but what its about is their convenience and if I'm at it. I'm done settling.
I know if it mattered he'd make the effort then again I'm just fine with not mattering.

Mother like Daughter Father like Son.

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