Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Well my last post was solely based off of emotions and no logic at all. I was just as mistaken as i was the first time. I Held back like i promised myself i would, but when someones leading you to believe they feel a certain way then they completely switch it on you last minute you find yourself a bit blind sighted. Your told you deserve such great things "you deserve the world" No one person can have the world nor does any one person deserve it. My wants have always been simple never quite as great as the world. I want someone for once in my life to be real. Say nothing more than what they mean. Don't tell me you love me unless you do. Don't tell me what i deserve because i deserve more than you most likely know. Don't tell me you cant meet my needs when you have no idea what needs i have to be met. Don't feed me complete bullshit for weeks maybe months. Don't Play it off like your some optimistic and i the pessimist when its really the opposite. Don't make it out like your too busy when I'm the busy one. In reality I'm the best fucking thing that stepped into your life and you had it all for a pretty little while. Its whatever now and I'm bouncing back. I've got the most incredible mother in the universe. The most amazing best friend in this world and the perfect car ever [That will me located in my driveway tomorrow!] I don't need to do anything but focus on my studies. It may be difficult but its better than being exhausted crying myself to sleep over someone who contradicted every word he said. I've been broken before it'll be alright. It always is with me. Its a whatever situation. I ordinarily don't give anything up not matter the pain no matter the circumstances. But i go off whats worth my time my while. I wasted enough time on someone undeserving of the energy it takes to bend my pinkie to allow myself to do it again. They speak it as if its about what i deserve what i need but what its about is their convenience and if I'm at it. I'm done settling.
I know if it mattered he'd make the effort then again I'm just fine with not mattering.

Mother like Daughter Father like Son.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I have the rules for myself that i do because of weeks like this. When id rather be asleep because the people i need seem to be. I've been strong because i know what its like to be weak. I hold a guard because i know what its like to cry until i fall asleep. I'm independent because i know how it feels when the one you depend on drops you. I'm the person i am because i refuse to fall apart at the actions of another. Ive been the way i have because i guess i got really hurt and something inside of me shut off. Something that fueled me was terminated. I woke up once and i realized letting go isn't something you do once its something you do every day. Its not decided for tomorrow or until the weekend or even next year. Its decided for the rest of your life. I will never tell him how much i cried the day he deceived me in my entirety because i made the decision that there's no future it is and will forever be over. I felt like lost baggage called with my dignity along with my retrieved pride. I learned i stop at almost nothing for what i want until i come across something i want more...Sometimes in your life, you need lust. You need the adrenaline rush knowing that this is not forever and that you're not committed to anything this is where i lied to myself. Here i am wishing these were really feelings of lust and that i truly haven't committed myself that i was right in thinking this all. But i wasnt. I unintentionally let my guard down and i unintentionally committed to someone new, someone truthful, someone worth it. Someone who trully cared. My unintentional result in all of this is that I'm loosing it all. Ive failed myself. Ive left myself empty and again completely broken. I haven't felt this bitter hurt in years. Complete and utter hopelessness. I know what i want but its too late. I don't take risks the way i should and i pay greatly for it in the long run. I don't care to be with someone else. I want to sleep for as long as i can. I'm straddling the line of giving in or seeing how much more i can take. For the record my situations hopeless and my being a coward is the cause of it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm a small town girl. I was born and raised in Panama City Florida. Where i live where i work where i go to high school where i went to middle school and where i went to elementary school are all less than 5 miles from another. Since i was a little girl I've known that i have a woman in my life that would do anything under and around the sun for me. That woman being my mother. I've known i have a Father who's taught me the true meaning of abandonment that stings far more than any of the other guys who followed his lead in neglecting me. I often feel as if I'm completely alone in this world with the weight of it resting upon my shoulders. I've got a guard like the gates of some kingdom any time i let it fall even an inch it gets rushed. such as a man bailing on his daughter a boy sleeping around or a guy leaving the state. I wont lie I've become this decisive girl hurting guys that I've lost interest in or changed my mind about because I'm not looking for a temporary fix for this permanent flaw. This is my apology. I don't make promises i don't intend to keep the reason i don't rush into relationships. I hope to someday be happy. I'm completely content until then. I don't need a guy to know true happiness. I have a Best Friend that stops the universe in its spinning tracks when its make a mockery of my mind. Without her in my life I'm not sure where i would be. Shes like my second half my sequel. A Guy Best Friend that gives me a logical side and laughter. He's a champ. I'm looking for improvements but i have a life that i cherish each day that i partake it. I have my complications with it but complication is whats made me. My struggles help me learn...My mistakes and yes I've made many help me grow. I go to sleep every night and wake up every morning knowing God has blessed me with amazing people and an amazing life and i will continue to love God for the entirety of it. I get scared but I'm not crawling on my knees. I stand strong and I stand tall in every decision I've ever made. Just an intro of the person i am and the life i lead. For the record im going to blow the hell out of this towns mind without even leaving it.
I'm not looking down but i see no one above me.